Homeopathic Medicine for Migraine


Homeopathic Medicine for Migraine

A throbbing, one-sided severe pain in the head often accompanied with nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light. Stiffness of the neck and depression may accompany.

Belladonna (Thrice a day): Throbbing pain with fullness, especially in the forehead, also occiput and temples. Pain worse light, noise and semi-erect posture. Headache worse on right side.

Bromium (Thrice a day): Migraine chiefly of the left side worse stooping, after drinking milk and at the sight of running water.

Cannabis ind. (Thrice a day): It is one of the most useful remedies in cases of migraine. Its use decreases the pain and distress. Sensation as if top of the head were opening and shutting. Flatulence. Throbbing in occiput, attacks after unusual excitement. Worse from coffee, liquor and smoking; better by rest.

Carbolicum acidum (Thrice a day): Migraine in children. Tight feeling on the head as if compressed by a rubber band; worse over the right eye, better by smoking and drinking tea.

Chionanthus Q: 5 drops of this medicine every two hours relieve the immediate distress. Thereafter it should be given in 30 potency sometimes, and Damiana Q should be given as above during attacks if they occur at all. This treatment usually cures migraine.

Cimicifuga (Thrice a day): Migraine pains like electric shocks, worse during menses. More the flow; more the suffering. Pains better by warmth and eating. Sensation of opening and shutting in the brain.

Coca (Thrice a day): Migraine with fatigue and worry; accompanied with vertigo.

Coffea cruda (Thrice a day): A good remedy for patients who suffer from sleeplessness. Migraine caused by excitement.

Cyclamen (Thrice a day): Migraine is accompanied by sparkling before the eyes.

Damiana Q (Turnera): Give 15-20 drops a dose every 30 minutes during the attack. It usually puts the patient to sleep after two doses and gives relief. Rest in a quiet, dark room during the attack will give relief to all the symptoms.

Ipecacuanha (Thrice a day): Migraine accompanied with severe nausea and vomiting. Pain may extend to the face, teeth and tongue. Vomiting does not relieve. It is better with eyes closed, rest and pressure. The cause maybe stresses or indigestion.

Iris vers. (Thrice a day): Migraine with acidity due to indigestion and sour vomiting. Right temple is specially affected. It is worse while resting.

Lac can. 200 (One dose daily): If the pain changes sides, this time on the right of the head and at other times on the left side and so on, this remedy will cure it.

Melilotus (Thrice a day): Headache with retching, vomiting, sense of pressure over the orbits and black spots before the eyes; sick headache. Neuralgia around and over the right side of head and neck. Frontal headache. Pains rising and falling like waves. Headache is relieved by menstrual flow or epistaxis. Use tincture for inhaling to give relief.

Natrium mur. (Thrice a day): It cures worse types of migraine which is throbbing, as if little hammers were striking the brain, and it is chronic. The patient appears anemic. Vomiting generally accompanies. It suits school girls with this disease. The pain is worse on rising in the morning and gradually subsides as the day advances. Terribly severe headache accompanied with high blood pressure and during menstruation.

Nux vomica (Thrice a day): Heavy, pressive headache with giddiness, flushed face, derangement of stomach after over-eating, drinking or smoking. Better in fresh air and cold application.

Oleum animalis (Thrice a day): A useful remedy for migraine which is associated with polyurea, sadness and irritability. The pain appears to be pulled upward and from behind forward.

Onosmodium (Thrice a day): A remedy for migraine. Pain in the morning on waking, chiefly left sided. Headaches from eyestrain and sexual excesses.

Psorinum (One dose daily): Headache relieved by keeping a hot water bottle on the head. Pain is worse during the night and is like that of a blow on the head. During the attack, patient feels hungry.

Pulsatilla nig. (Thrice a day): Migraine due to emotions, hormonal changes specially in women with weeping tendencies. It is better by cold, cold drinks, fresh air and sympathy, and is worse towards the evening and in a warm room.

Sanguinaria (Thrice a day): Headache usually starts in the morning at the back of the head and gradually spreads upwards to the right eye where it settles down. Pain may spread to the right shoulder. Sun headaches, worse right side and at climacteric. Headache every seventh day.

Saponaria off. (Thrice a day): Pain in the left temple and left eye, photophobia, hot sticks in the eyes, severe pains before the menstrual flow and worse left side. Severe sore throat and sneezing maybe present along with the headache.

Scutelaria lat. Q (One dose only): Sick headache appearing after excitement and over-exertion. 5-10 drops a dose.

Senecio aur. (Thrice a day): Sharp pain over the left eye and through the left temple. Dull stupefying headache. Some trouble of the female orgasm and urinary organs is generally present.

Sepia (Thrice a day): Periodical weekly headaches. Sensation as if head would burst and eye would come out. Better by rest, closing eyes, in open air and lying on the painful side. Throbbing, sticking pains with nausea and vomiting. Headache at climacteric and menstrual periods with scanty flow.

Silicea (Thrice a day): Migraine with a strong desire to cover the head. Pain starts at the back of the head and settle over one eye. Pain is relieved by pressure and urinating, and is worse in cold, windy weather.

Spigelia (Thrice a day): Headache starts from the nape of the neck and extends to the left eye. Pain as if a band around the head.

Tongo Q (Thrice a day) 5 drops in ½ cup of water: Neuralgic headaches with throbbing and heat.

Triosteum perf. (Thrice a day): It is a valuable remedy for pain at the back of the head with nausea on movement and vomiting. Relieves the nervous system.

NOTE 1: So far, the exact cause of migraine is not known. It is, however, a genetic or hereditary condition which can be triggered by diet, weather changes, emotional stress, a change in sleep patterns or hormonal fluctuations. During an attack, blood vessels in the brain dilate and nerves become inflammed.

NOTE 2: Here are some ways of minimizing the headache:

  1. Get up and go to bed at the same time each day.
  2. Always eat at the same time of the day.
  3. Stretch neck and shoulders regularly.
  4. Take a few deep breaths each day.

NOTE 3: Women are three times more likely than men to suffer from migraines, especially women between the age 21 to 50 years.

NOTE 4: Citrus fruits and juices, caffeine containing things, butter milk, aged cheese, peanuts, meats, beer and alcohol are known to trigger migraine.

NOTE 5: Eating oily fish, three times a week may protect against migraine because of their Omega-3 fatty acids. Whole grains are also helpful.

NOTE 6: The patient should be adviced that as soon as he feels that he will get migraine, he should lie down in a well ventilated dark room. It cuts short the attack and in some cases, may cure it eventually.

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