Lilium Tigrinum 30 Uses, Benefits – Lilium Tig 200

  • Must keep herself busy to suppress her sexual desire
  • Always hurried and busy
  • Hunger as if from the spine
  • Sensation as if rivet or ball under left mammae
  • Sensation as if heart is hung by a thread
  • Menses only when moving, ceases when resting

Source: Vegetable kingdom
Synonyms: Tiger lily
Family: Liliaceae
Prover: Dr Willium E. Payne of Maine in 1867, under the guidance of
Dr Carrol Dunham

Introduction and History: Tiger lily, was introduced into the West from China and Japan. It was first suggested as a remedy by E. A. Payne. Carrol Dunham urged Payne to have it well proved. This Payne did and Dunham itself assisted by having it proved on women under his own supervision. An account of Lilium tigrinum is given in Dunham’s lucid style in his Science of Therapeutics.

Preparation and Parts Used: It is prepared from the tincture of fresh bark and leaves.

Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): It especially acts on female sexual
organs, posterior spinal cord, heart, etc. It also acts on circulation, nerves, rectum and bladder.

Physio-pathological Changes (Pathology)

  1. It acts upon the ovaries and uterus, producing irritation, congestion, sub acute inflammation and a bearing down in the uterine region as if everything would press out from the vagina.
  2. It acts on mammae producing inflammation leading to cutting, darting pains in these glands.
  3. Acts upon the posterior spinal cord producing hyperaesthesia.
  4. It acts on the heart producing a depression of it’s functions or great excitability.

Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)

  1. She is tormented about her salvation with ovarian and uterine complaints. Consolation makes her worse.
  2. Wild, crazy feeling on vertex, confused ideas.
  3. Profound depression of spirits, can hardly avoid weeping.
  4. Very timid, fearful and weeps much.
  5. Very indifferent about what is being done for them.
  6. Anxious about the disease. Feels that the symptoms indicate an organic affection marked in both sexes.
  7. Disposed to curse, strike, to think obscene things; alternates with uterine irritation.
  8. Patient is listless, yet cannot sit still, restless, yet does not want to walk, must keep busy to repress sexual desire.
  9. Desire to do something in a hurried manner. Patient has no ambition; hurried, aimless motion.
  10. Fear of being alone. Insanity. Fear of heart disease and that it is incurable.

Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms

Left-sidedness: Principally affects the left side of the body.

Walk: Cannot walk on uneven ground.

Shifting pain: Pain in small spots, constantly shifting.

Sensation: Sensation as if heart was grasped in a vise. As if blood had all gone to the heart, feels full to bursting. Inability to walk erect.

Pulsations: Pulsations over whole body. Pulse is full, irregular. Distended feeling as if blood would burst from the vessels.

Palpitations: Fluttering, faint, hurried, anxious sensation about the apex of the heart. Sharp pains in the chest, awakens at night. Worse after eating, lying on either side.

Extremities: Extremities are cold and covered with cold sweat.

Tachycardia: Rapid heart beats, 150 to 170 per minute.

Prolapse: There is a constant desire to defecate and urinate from pressure in the rectum.

Headache: It depends on uterine irritation or displacement.

Menstruation: It is a useful remedy for menstrual irregularities and irritable heart. Menses are early, scanty, dark, offensive; flow only when moving about; ceases to flow when she ceases to walk.

Bearing down sensation: Felt in the abdomen and pelvis as though all organs would escape with palpitation; supports vulva with hands.

Anteversion or subversion or subinvolution: Weak and atonic condition of ovaries, uterus and pelvic tissues resulting in anteversion, retroversion and Subinvolution.

Slow recovery: There is slow recovery after labour nearly always with constipation, from inactivity.

General Modalities

Aggravation: Consolation, warm room, standing.

Amelioration: Fresh air, rest.

Remedy Relationships

Antidotes: Plat, Nux-V.


Pressing on vulva ameliorates: Lil-t, Murx, Sep.

Sepia officinalis: Bearing down pains, must support the parts from prolapse, with aversion to sex.

Lilium tigrinum: Bearing down pains, must support the parts from prolapse, but with nymphomania.

Dosage: As per Dr Dunham, middle and higher potencies seem to have done the best.

Repetition: Single dose. As per Dr Boericke, it takes a long time to act and show its action; watch the action of the remedy for one to two weeks.

Therapeutic Value: Affections of ovaries and uterus, Angina pectoris, Anteversion, Asthenopia, Astigmatism, Diarrhoea, Displacements, Dysentery, Hysteria, Nymphomania, Pruritus vulva, Subinvolution of uterus, Uterine fibroids.

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