Mag Carb 30 Uses, Benefits – Magnesium Carbonicum 200

  • Exhaustion – lassitude; short walks fatigue; unrefreshing sleep; whole body feels tired. Exhausted nerves
  • Sensitiveness; worse cold, worse draft of air, worse uncovering, worse change of weather
  • Spasms or cramps. Colic – of stomach and intestines
  • Neuralgia remedy, especially left sided; causes unbearable pain, restlessness, better by moving about
  • Emaciation, marasmus; children do not thrive
  • Sourness, of whole body, all secretions and discharges

Source: Mineral kingdom
Synonyms: Magnesium carbonate, Carbonate of magnesia
Prover: Dr Hahnemann

Introduction and History: Water containing magnesia is soft; and it has been observed that this softness has a soothing effect on the nervous system when used in a bath. Thus magnesia carbonica is an excellent remedy for exhausted nerves and worn out conditions.

Ailments From: Shocks, blows, vexation, excess of care and worries, mental distress, dentition, milk, injudicious feeding, fits of passion especially during pregnancy, cutting wisdom teeth.

Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)

  1. Anxiety during the day, as if some accident would happen, ameliorated in the evening in bed.
  2. PEACEMAKERS, intolerance to quarrels, confrontations or disharmony.
  3. Fear of aggression or violence.
  4. Sad, taciturn, packs and unpacks her clothes, without the consciousness of having done so.

Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms

  1. Ailing, worn out, nervous, flatulent, flabby people, especially women, children or nurslings. Emaciated, marasmic children who do not thrive inspite of feeding and medicines.
  2. SOUR discharges; sour odours from secretions or discharges – perspiration, menses, vomitus, diarrhoea, etc. (Hep, Rheum).
  3. Affects the NERVES (facial and dental), causing sharp shooting pain along their course; amelioration by walking about, sitting quiet. Restlessness.
  4. Generally worse before or during MENSES. Menstrual flow only at NIGHT or when LYING, ceases when WALKING. Early, every 21 days, acrid, DARK, PITCH-LIKE BLOOD, difficult to WASH, preceded by SORE THROAT, with coryza and weakness.
  5. Whole body feels tired, painful, especially legs and feet; aching restlessness.
  6. Cannot tolerate milk, passes undigested in nursing children.
  7. Craving for MEAT, FRUITS, acids, vegetables, bread and butter. Aversion to green food.
  8. Unrefreshing sleep, more tired in the morning than on retiring. Sleepy during the day, sleepless at night.
  9. Left sided affections, especially trigeminal neuralgia.
  10. SOURNESS of all discharges – stool, vomitus, diarrhoea, perspiration.
  11. Great neuralgic, lightening-like, sharp, unbearable pains; cannot sit still, causes restlessness, must constantly move about.
  12. MILK intolerable, passes undigested.

Important Characteristic Features

Head: Sticking pain in the side of the head on which the patient lies, as if the hair was pulled; worse mental exertion. Itching of scalp, worse in damp weather. Pain above the margin of right orbit. Black motes float before the eyes.

Ears: Diminished hearing. Deafness; comes suddenly and varies. Numbness of outer ear. Feeling of distention in middle ear. Subdued tinnitus.

Face: Tearing pain on one side; worse quiet; must move about. Toothache, especially during pregnancy; worse at night; worse cold and quiet. Teeth feel too long. Ailments from cutting wisdom teeth (Cheir). Pain in malar bone, worse during rest, night. Swelling of malar bone with pulsating pain, worse exposure to cold winds.

Mouth: Dry at night. Sour taste. Vesicular eruptions; bloody saliva. Sticking pain in throat, hawking up foetid, pea-coloured particles.

Stomach: Desire for fruits, acids and vegetables. Eructations SOUR AND VOMITING OF BITTER WATER. Craving for meat.

Abdomen: Rumbling, gurgling. Dragging towards the pelvis. VERY HEAVY; contractive, pinching pain in right iliac region.

Stool: Preceded by griping, colicky pain. GREEN, WATERY FROTHY, LIKE FROG POND’S SCUM. Bloody mucous stools. MILK PASSES UNDIGESTED IN NURSING CHILDREN. SOUR with tenesmus (Rheum). Constipation after mental shock or severe nervous strain.

Female: SORE THROAT BEFORE MENSES APPEAR. Before menses, coryza and nasal stoppage. Menses too LATE AND SCANTY, thick, dark, like pitch; mucous leucorrhoea. Menses flow only in sleep; more profuse at night (Am-m), or when lying down; ceases when walking.

Respiratory: Tickling cough with SALTY, bloody expectoration. Constrictive pains in chest, with dyspnoea. Soreness in chest during motion.

Extremities: Tearing in shoulders as if dislocated. Right shoulder painful,
cannot raise it (Sang). Whole body feels tired and painful, especially legs and feet. Swelling in bend of knees

Skin: Earthy, sallow and parchment-like emaciation. Itching vesicles on hands and fingers. Nodosities under the skin. Sore; sensitive to cold.

Fever: Chilly in the evening. Fever at night. Sour, greasy perspiration.

Sleep: Unrefreshing; more tired on rising than on retiring.

General Modalities

Aggravation: Warmth of bed, change of temperature, cold wind or weather, every THREE WEEKS, from rest, at night, from starchy food, milk, touch, uncovering, every second day, every third week.

Amelioration: Warm air; walking in open air, motion.

Remedy Relationships

Complementary: Cham.

Antidoted by: Ars, Merc.

Compare: Mag-im, Mag-p, Aloe, Ant-c, Rheum, Rat (toothache during pregnancy), Rheum, Kreos, Aloe, Cheir (deafness, otorrhoea, nose stopped up at night from irritation of cutting wisdom teeth).

Potency: Third to thirtieth potency and higher


  1. Lower potencies need frequent repetition.
  2. Higher potencies need to be watched for action before repetition.


  1. For toothache during pregnancy. Patient must get up and walk about due to pain – Dr. Guernsey, Dr Hughes, Dr Hahnemann
  2. For toothache. In number of cases of cataract Mag-c causes marked improvement, give in the sixth potency – Dr Priel

Therapeutic Value: Chronic fatigue syndrome, Colic, Constipation, Failure to thrive, Hepatitis, Insomnia, Neuralgia, Premenstrual syndrome.

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