Homeopathic Medicine For Nipah Virus Infection


In this post, we will learn about Nipah Virus infection and also discuss some of its homeopathic medicines and remedies.

As we know that about 12 people in Kerala state have died due to Nipah Virus and more than 22 people were still infected with this virus. NiV is a form of viral infection that occurs – due to Nipah Virus. Nipah Virus is an RNA virus and if we hold the grip of this virus, then at the very first stage, we catch severe conditions of fever, cough, headache, body pain and feeling of confusion. In the late stage, this virus attacks our brain and in a short span of one to two days the patient goes into the state of coma. Thus it is a very dangerous viral infection.

Causes of Nipah Virus Infection

Nipah Virus is a form of RNA virus and its very first case was reported in Nipah village of Malaysia and thus, the name, Nipah Virus, was derived. Nipah Virus is mostly carried by bats and to be more information specific, bats that eat fruits. Nipah Virus is present in the digestive tract of bats and when they prey on any fruit, their saliva contaminates the fruit. Saliva causes Nipah Virus to enter the fruit and if that fruit is consumed by a human, then that virus makes its way inside our body. A human infected from Nipah virus can also become the source of contamination of that virus for other human beings. It is a contagious disease. Nipah Virus flows from animals to humans, and later can be transmitted from human to human.

Symptoms of Nipah Virus Infection

A span of 3 to 14 days is genuine to detect the symptoms of Nipah Virus in the infected person. At the initial phase, infected person shivers with fever, headache starts, mental suspicion is born, vomiting occurs, muscle aches, symptoms of pneumonia are also seen, light fainting and brain swelling are observed.

In this, the condition of the patient gets worse within a period of a day or two. The infected person faces problem in walking, he or she starts rattling anonymously and the brain stops functioning. This virus affects our brain and causes swelling in the nerves of the brain, causing the patient to go into the coma in 24 to 48 hours. The patient also reports the problem in breathing. Nipah Virus spreads very easily and at a very fast pace.

Here, we are discussing some homeopathic medicines that will provide you protection against Nipah Virus.

Homeopathic medicines for the protection of Nipah virus

Influenzinum 200 – This is a very good medicine for viral infection and it protects against viral infections. This medicine ensures that you avoid the attack of Nipah Virus. This medication should be taken, 2 drops on a potency level of 200, for a span of 3 days. On completion of 3 days, the duration is changed to once a week, with the same dosage of 2 drops, until the Nipah virus threat remains. This medicine will provide you protection from the virus.

Belladonna 30 – Take dosage of Belladonna along with Influenzium. This medicine also protects from Nipah Virus. It should be taken as 2 drops of 30 potencies every night. It protects Nipah from Virus and also if someone gets infected with the virus, then it destroys the virus at the same time.

Until the Nipah Virus outbreak continues, keep on consuming it as the best part about the medicine is that it does not have any side effects. It increases the immunity of the body so that body can fight the Nipah Virus. If anybody is diagnosed with Nipah Virus infections, then remember this medication. The entire symptoms of Nipah Virus are present in this medicine. If the diagnostic is completely verified, then keep medicating two drops of Belladonna 30, every two hours.

Gelsemium Sempervirens 30 – This medicine works well in fever, cold and viral. After being infected with Nipah Virus the patient appears to be very dull and weak. This medicine enhances the immune system of the body. On confirmation of Nipah Virus, this medicine is to be taken with a potency of 30, in a duration of every three hours. The symptoms of Nipah Virus will surely be relieved by this medicine.

Some important points to take care of :-

  1. Stay away from pigs.
  2. Do not consume fruits that are eaten already by birds. Check the fruit very carefully. Do not drink fruit juice sold in open market.
  3. Stop using date palm.
  4. Do not go around bats.
  5. If the purpose is necessary, and the traveling is inevitable, only then go out. Since the disease is contamination disease
  6. Do not eat anything outside.
  7. Restrict eating pigs, as it is spread from them.

Ask A Doctor

You can now consult our well qualified homeopathic doctor for homeopathic treatment of any kind of disease. The consultancy fee is only Rs 200/- . Post making the payment you will be asked about the disease and the symptoms of your disease. Based on your problem, the doctor will instruct you with the name of the medicine and the method of having the medicine. You can make the payment via Paytm App or your debit card. For more inquiry contact on the WhatsApp number - +919006242658

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