Podophyllum Peltatum 30 Uses, Benefits – Podophyllum Materia Medica

  • Diarrhoea characterized by
  1. Profuse
  2. Putrid
  3. Painless
  4. Polychromatic
  5. Prostration
  6. Prolapse of rectum
  • Periodic diarrhoea alternating with constipation.
  • All body discharges are offensive.
  • Great loquacity during chill and heat.

Source: Vegetable Kingdom
Synonyms: May apple, Duck’s foot, wild lemon.
Family: Berberidaceae.
Proved by: Dr Williamson of Philadelphia in 1846 also by Dr Jeans. Duration of action: 30 days

Introduction and History: Podophyllum is a great cathartic, hence in Homoeopathy, it is reputed as ‘Vegetable mercury.’ The leaves of podophyllum plant spread out like an open hand, hence its name ‘podophyllum’. The word Podophyllum peltatum is derived from the latin ‘Podos’ meaning foot and ‘phyllon’ meaning ‘leaf’ as its leaves resemble the webbed feet of a duck; hence its nick name ‘Duck’s foot.’ The word peltatum is derived from latin word ‘peltatus’ i.e. having pelta-a tight shield which gives it the appearance of a shield.

Habit and Habitat: Podophyllum is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows abundantly on the borders of woods in America. It grows to the height of two or three feet with leaves spread out like an open hand. The flowers of this plant are white and grow in the form of a petiole. Indian tribes use the roots to expel worms and also drop the juice of the root into the ear to cure deafness. It grows in the forests of the Himalayas from Kashmir to Sikkim, in Himachal Pradesh and parts of Uttar Pradesh.

Preparation and Parts used: The fresh roots are gathered before the fruit is ripe for the preparation of the mother tincture.

Constitution and Physiognomy: It is suited to persons of bilious conditions, especially after abuse of mercury. Also adapted to persons who suffer from gastro-intestinal derangements or to children who suffer from diarrhea during dentition in hot weather.

Miasmatic background: Psora and Syphilis is the background.

Temperament: Bilious.

Thermal Relationship: Affected by extremes of both heat and cold.

Ailments from: Diarrhoea during dentition, over lifting, over stretching, abuse of mercury, difficult dentition, summer etc.

Seats of Action (Pharmacodynamics): Rectum, liver, intestine, right side, throat, scapula, ovary, mucous membrane etc.

Doctrine of Signature: The fruits of plants ripen in September. The tincture is prepared from the roots gathered after the fruit has ripened. In United States, it is summer season during September. It has been observed that Podophyllum acts best for complaints that appear during summer. This shows how nature has provided a unique link between the drug pathogenesis and the human physiology.

Active Principles (Chemical Constituents): The chief constituents of this drug are fatty oil, podophyllin, picropodophyllin, podophyllotoxin and podophyllin acid.

Physio-pathological Changes (Pathology)

  1. The chief action of this drug is on the stomach and small intestine, where it produces inflammation of the mucus membrane and diarrhoea.
  2. It acts on liver as a hepatic stimulant and increases bile secretion.
  3. It acts on rectum and acts as a purgative.
  4. The active constituents of the drug, viz. podophyllin is a resin and has been successfully used recently in controlling some forms of cancer.
  5. Sometimes it acts on the mucous membranes of duodenum and rectum and for glandular structures, producing irritation, excessive secretions, inflammation and even ulceration or suppuration.

Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)

  1. Disgust for life. Depression; imagines he is going to die or is very ill.
  2. Delirium, loquacity, during heat, afterwards forgetful of what has happened.
  3. Conscious during chill, but cannot talk, forgets the words he wishes to use.
  4. Over fatigue of mind from business.
  5. Depression of spirits; also, in gastric affections.
  6. Vertigo, while standing, in open air, with tendency to fall forward; with sensation of fullness over eyes.

Characteristics Physical Guiding Symptoms

Diarrhoea: Diarrhoea of children during teething; after eating; while being bathed or washed; of dirty water soaking napkins through; during early morning; with gagging. Diarrhoea of long standing, early in the morning. The diarrhoea of Podophyllum is characterized by ‘p‘s e.g., profuse, painless, putrid, polychromatic, prolapse of rectum and prostration.

Stool: Stool green, watery, foetid, profuse, gushing out, chalk like, jelly like, undigested, yellow meal-like sediment.

Prolapse: Prolapse of uterus from over lifting or straining; from constipation; after parturition. Also prolapse of ani from moderate straining at stool, stooping or lifting.

Cholera: Cholera infantum violent cramp in feet, calves, thighs with watery, painless stools.

Right sided: It is predominantly a right sided remedy.

Headache: Headache in winter and diarrhoea in summer. Headache alternates with diarrhoea.

Thirst: Unquenchable thirst for large quantity of cold water.

Dentition: Difficult dentition, desire to press gums together during dentition. Head hot and rolling from side to side.

Paroxysm: Paroxysm of fever comes at 7 a.m. with great loquacity during chill and heat, but sleep during perspiration.

Cramps: Violent cramps in feet, calves thighs; watery painless stools.

Desire and Aversion: Great desire for cold drinks but aversion to food and smell of food.

Sleep: Sleepiness in day time specially in forenoon with rumbling and gurgling in bowels. Half closed eyes, moaning and whining. Sleepless in first half of night.

Pain: Pain and numbness in right ovary, running down the thigh of that side.

Menses: Menses are suppressed in young girls.

Position: In early months of pregnancy, can lie comfortably only on abdomen.

Constipation: Constipation alternating with diarrhoea, stool clay coloured, hard, dry and difficult.

Important Characteristic Features

Diarrhoea: It is a medicine of choice for diarrhoea especially the diarrhoea which begins early in the morning, continues till the forenoon. Before stool there is loud gurgling in the abdomen with gripping colic and great weakness in the abdomen, the diarrhoea is accompanied by a sensation of weakness or sinking in the abdomen or rectum.

Stool is painless, profuse, putrid, polychromatic, with prolapse, great prostration and the stool gushes out with noise. Diarrhoea may be caused after eating fruits, summer and during dentition. The stool may be chalk like, undigested with yellow meal-like sediments. Headache alternates with diarrhoea. Patient always rubs the liver region with hand, child press the gums together, there may be thirst for large quantity of cold water. Stools are always offensive. As a rule, Podophyllum is contra-indicated if stool is not offensive. Sweat offensive, flatus offensive, smelling like carrion. Frequent urging and evacuation is a strong indication according to Nash.

Prolapse of uterus: It is a very good medicine for prolapse of uterus. This may be due to over lifting or straining from constipation and parturition. The uterine ligament becomes relaxed and there is prolapsus uteri. Dragging in the region, right side, running down to the thigh. The uterus becomes extremely sore and enlarged so much so that touch of cloth aggravates. In early months of pregnancy the patient can lie comfortably only on abdomen. Podophyllum is especially suited in prolapse of uterus with bearing down pains.

Cholera: It is indicated in cholera morbus and cholera infantum, rumbling pain in bowels and looseness or soreness. The prostration is so marked that the patient has a feeling that if he does not get relief in a day or two, he will die. Diarrhoea preceded by gripping colic and profuse vomiting. Stool is painless in cholera morbus with profuse diarrhoea and vomiting. The stool is watery, profuse, offensive and jelly-like. There are violent cramps in feet, calf muscles and thigh. Tongue is large, flabby with imprint of teeth. Thirst for large quantities of cold water. After attack, there is great prostration and exhaustion. Attack generally comes in the latter part of night, especially about 3-4 a.m.

General Modalities

Aggravation: During dentition, 2 to 4 a.m., early morning, in hot weather.

Amelioration: In the evening.

Remedy Relationship

Complementary: Sulphur.

Antidotes: Coloc, Lept, Nux v., Lac ac.

Antidotes to: Aloe, Nux v. Sulph. Camph. Merc.

Compare: Lil-t, Coll., Chel. Aloe, Nux-v, Sulph. Merc.

Potency: 3x, 6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000.

Dosage: Tincture of 6th potency, Higher potencies – 30 to 1M in cholera infantum and children diarrhoea.

Repetition: Bears repetition well.

Note: Podophyllum has diarrhoea which is worse early in the morning, but this diarrhoea is not like that of Sulph., Aloe, Psor, and Rumes which drives the patient out of the bed early in the morning.

Therapeutic Value: Liver affections, Tenesmus, Jaundice, Headache, Gall-stone, Flatulence, Fever, Female genital organs, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Acidity, Prolapse of Anus, Asthma, Bilious attack, Constipation, Cholera infantum, Prolapse of uterus.

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