Homeopathic Medicine for Weight Loss & Obesity

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In this article, we will learn about homeopathic medicine to cure obesity problem.

In today’s life, the young generation are very conscious about the maintenance of their body. The desire to look beautiful in men as well as women is increasing day by day. Many types of cosmetics are being used in a big way today, whose many side effects are also being heard by us. It can also be made beautiful with the help of homeopathy. Obstacles to beauty, such as obesity, thinness, beauty of the skin, etc. can be easily overcome with the help of homeopathic medicines. While obesity is the enemy of beauty, it is also the cause of many problems. Fat people experience difficulty in doing normal work, walking and running etc. Now without taking much time we will discuss homeopathic medicine :-

Calotropis gigantea Q – Mix 5 to 10 drops of this medicine in half a cup of water and take it thrice a day, it reduces obesity and strengthens muscles in a few days.

Phytolacca Berry Q – This is a very famous medicine for reducing obesity. With regular consumption of this medicine, obesity starts reducing. Along with this, taking Natrum Sulph 200 also gives more benefit.

Fucus Vesiculosus Q – Yaduvir Sinha, a famous doctor writes that this medicine is the best medicine to reduce obesity, because it contains iodine in abundance. It should be consumed for a long time.

Calcarea Carb 200 – By giving this medicine to people whose physical appearance is similar to the symptoms of this medicine, their physical appearance changes and their obesity starts decreasing. The patient of Calcarea Carb is very fat in appearance. The arms and legs are thin, the forehead is large, the stomach appears even thicker, bigger and tighter. There is excessive sweating in the forehead, the patient always feels coolness inside his body and is afraid to walk in the open air. Gross in appearance, but there is weakness in it, to be suffocated with little effort. Feeling cough as soon as it gets a little cold. Such people are patients of Calcarea Carb and if they are given 2 drops of Calcarea Carb 200 every week, then their obesity reduces and the nature also changes.

Graphites 200 – Such a person whose obesity is clumsy, such as the accumulation of excess fat on the stomach, hips etc., has increased unformed obesity, then it works well on such a person. If the person is fair, then this medicine works more on them. This person also suffers from skin diseases. The obesity of the patient of graphites is not the fatness of a healthy person, but the body has to be filled with unhealthy fat in different places, which happens due to the deterioration of the body’s nutrition. If they are given 2 drops of graphites 200 every week, then their obesity reduces and the nature also changes.

Podophyllum 30 – If only the stomach is increasing due to obesity, then this medicine should be given. Along with giving Natrum Sulph 12x is also useful.

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You can now consult our well qualified homeopathic doctor for homeopathic treatment of any kind of disease. The consultancy fee is only Rs 200/- . Post making the payment you will be asked about the disease and the symptoms of your disease. Based on your problem, the doctor will instruct you with the name of the medicine and the method of having the medicine. You can make the payment via Paytm App or your debit card. For more inquiry contact on the WhatsApp number - +919006242658

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