Homeopathic Treatment For Kidney Failure (Nephritis)


Homeopathic Treatment of Kidney Failure: In this article, we will understand how the case of Kidney Failure was cured with homeopathy medicines.

A 54-year-old patient presented with Kidney Failure, exhibiting a serum creatinine level of 8.64 and a blood urea level of 93. Despite undergoing allopathic treatment, the patient experienced no relief, and there was no improvement in the creatinine levels.

When asked he said:-

There is a reduction in urine output, diminished appetite, facial and leg swelling, nausea, headaches, persistent weight loss, and increased irritability due to the illness. The patient experienced a lack of sweating, constipation, maintained normal thirst levels, evident blood deficiency, and noticeable swelling on the face and legs. The individual expressed a preference for solitude when feeling better, noted decreased urine production, and mentioned increased difficulty urinating when observed by others.

Now, let’s explore the patient’s symptoms from a homeopathic perspective. We can start by identifying the first clear and reliable symptom, often referred to as an anchor. This symptom serves as a grounding point, preventing us from getting lost in the haze of numerous other symptoms.

A crucial observation was the patient’s inclination to cry privately and the reluctance to urinate in the presence of others. Now, our task is to establish connections among these symptoms and find a suitable remedy by comprehensive analysis.

The individual experiences depression, irritability, and a preference for solitary crying episodes – the most suitable remedy for these symptoms is Natrum Mur.

When inquired, he mentioned that receiving consolation when he’s crying makes him angry – this symptom is present in both Natrum Mur and Ignatia.

Additional symptoms comprise a headache described as if someone is striking with a hammer – this manifestation is found in various medications, including Natrum Mur, Sulphur, Belladonna, Ferrum met, Lachesis, and Coffea cruda.

Anemia, fatigue after minimal exertion, irritability, and getting angry over trivial matters – these indications are observed in several medications, such as Natrum Mur, Arsenic, Calcarea, Lachesis, etc.

After analyzing the symptoms, it becomes evident that Natrum Mur encompasses all aspects of the patient, including mental and physical symptoms.

Advised to take a single dose of Natrum mur 1000 along with 2 drops of Saccharum Lactis twice daily.

I’d like to share information about Saccharum Lactis, emphasizing its effectiveness as a diuretic medicine, particularly in cases of kidney disease and kidney failure. Despite its significance among kidney medicines, it is often overlooked by many homeopaths.

After a month of medication, the patient experienced notable improvements. Symptoms such as headache, nausea, and vomiting decreased, and there was an increase in urine output coupled with a reduction in swelling. Additionally, the patient’s appetite gradually began to improve.

Within a span of 3 months, his creatinine level dropped from 8.64 to 2.6, and the blood urea level decreased from 93 to 39.

This instance demonstrates the effective treatment of kidney failure patients using homeopathy.

Homeopathic Medicine for Kidneys Failure – Nephritis


Apis mel. (Thrice a day): Burning urine. Rash on skin. Puffiness and paleness of face. Pain in head, back and limbs. Urine contains casts.

Arsenicum alb. (Thrice a day): Tubular nephritis. Urine contains albumin and other casts. Dropsy. Thirst for cold water in small quantities and at small intervals. Restlessness and anxiety.

Cantharis (Thrice a day): Inflammation of kidneys. Urine is passed in drops with burning. Acute pain in the lumbar region. Urine may or may not be bloody.

Eryngium aqua : Congestion of kidneys with dull pain in the back, uterus and legs.

Ferrum met. (Thrice a day): Pale, bloated face. Chilly. Vomiting of food or passing stools with undigested food.

Ferrum phos. 6x (Four times a day): Fever, headache. Irritation of bladder and frequent desire to urinate.

Mercurius cor. (Thrice a day): For albumin in urine and inflammation of the kidneys in pregnant women.

Terebinthiniae (Thrice a day): When congestion is prominent with dropsy. When detected early, this remedy is very useful. Pain is severe and extends to the urethra. Urine is bloody and is scanty or suppressed.

Vesicaria Q (Thrice a day) 15 drops in ½ cup of water: Useful for nephralgia and failure of the kidney to secrete urine and dropsy on that account.


Serum anguillae 1x (Thrice a day): Degeneration of the kidneys. Hemoglobinuria. Hematuria. Prolonged suppression of urine. Albuminuria. It puts an end to renal obstruction and produces abundant urine flow.

Zingiber off. 1c (Thrice a day): Helps when there is complete cessation of kidney functions.


Berberis vulg. Q: This is the head remedy for kidney stones. There is acute pain in the region of kidneys and urethra with frequent desire to pass urine. Very useful for pains when the stone is in the left kidney. Give 10 drops every hour.

Calcarea carb. 30: When there is difficulty and attack of pain on passing the stone. Give a dose every 15 minutes.

Hydrangea Q (Thrice a day) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: A remedy for gravel and for breaking stones enabling their easy passage. Can be mixed with Berberis vulg. Q and Pareira brava Q. When used after expulsion of stones, prevents their recurrence.

Lycopodium 1M (One dose only) Repeat after a week: When the pain is due to a stone in the right kidney region. It expels it.

Ocimum can. (Thrice a day): Renal calculus specially in the right kidney with pain on the right side. Urine smells like musk and when allowed to stand for a while, brick dust red or yellow sediment settles at the bottom. Urine contains uric acid.

Pareira brava Q (Thrice a day) 5 drops in ½ cup of water: When stone is in the kidney for a long time and it is difficult to expel it, give 5 drops a dose every hour. It can be given mixed with Berberis vulg. Q.

Serum anguillae (Thrice a day): In affections of the kidney when there is diminished urine or when it is completely suppressed due to failure of the kidneys. This remedy produces abundant urine, cures albuminuria and removes the infection.

Urtica urens Q (Thrice a day) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: Its use in expulsion of stones from kidneys is very old. It acts as a cleaning agent of the kidneys and eliminates gravel from them. When used after expulsion of stones, prevents their recurrence.

Vesicaria Q: General dropsy due to ceasation of function of the kidney to secrete urine. It helps secretion of urine and removes swelling of hands, feet, etc. when given in 15 – 20 drops in a teaspoonful of water, every hour. The results can be seen within a week or so.

NOTE: Most kidney stones are formed of calcium oxalate. Food rich in calcium like milk, cheese, dark green leafy vegetables and nuts help prevent formation of such stones. Less commonly, kidney stones are made up of uric acid. Such stones can be avoided by avoiding eating meats, fish, peas, spinach and whole grains. In both cases, drinking 6-8 glasses of water daily may flush out the stones.

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