Homeopathic Remedies for Breast – Mammae Related Diseases


Homeopathic Remedies for Breast – Mammae Related Diseases

Arsenicum alb. (One dose only): Hard tumor of the breast.

Arsenicum iod. 3x (One dose only): Cancer of the breasts after the ulceration has started.

Asafoetida 3x (One dose only): Breasts swollen with appearance of milk in unmarried girls who were never impregnated.

Asterias rub. (One dose only): Cancer of the breasts in ulcerative stage. Breasts are hard and painful. The patient has a red face. It acts on both the breasts but better on the left. It is a good remedy for cancer.

Belladonna 200 (One dose daily): Tumors of the breast. Breasts feel heavy and hard and become hot and red. Useful when the disease has not been prolonged for long.

Beilis per. (One dose only): Any trouble of the breasts after sustaining a bruise on it.

Bromium (One dose only): Tumor or cancer of the breast.

Bryonia alba (One dose only): Breasts hard and inflamed.

Bufo rana (One dose only): A palliative medicine in cancer of breasts.

Calcarea fluor. 6x (Four times a day): Knots and hardened milk glands in the female breasts.

Carbo animalis (One dose only): Tumor on the nipples.

Chimaphila Q (One dose only) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: Painful tumor of the breasts. Breasts very large with undue secretion of milk.

Conium mac. 1000 (One dose only) Repeat after 15 days: Breast enlargement in boys at the time of puberty. Breasts look like that of a woman. Give a dose every fortnight till cured. Tumor of the left breast or hardness of the right breast.

Conium mac. 1M, Phytolacca dec. 200, Hepar Sulphuris 200, Psorinum 200 (One dose only): Use either of the remedy with due regard to the other symptoms for lumps of breast whether during nursing or otherwise.

Conium mac. 30 (One dose only), Sabal ser. Q (One dose only) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: Two doses daily of either remedy will develop the breasts which are developing slowly at the age of puberty. Sabal is valuable for undeveloped mammary glands.

Cyclamen (One dose only): Swelling of breasts after menses. There may be a milky secretion from the nipples.

Foenum graecum (Fenu greek): It balances hormones and promotes breast enlargement and firmness.

Graphites 200 (One dose only) Repeat once a week: Scars left by abscesses on the breasts, soften up and go away by use of this remedy. Lumps in breasts of suspicious appearance also go away under the action of this remedy.

Hamamelis 6 (One dose only): Relieves soreness in painful breasts.

Hoang nan Q (One dose only): Has a good reputation in treatment of cancer of glandular structures. Removes fetid Odour of cancerous bleeding, revives the healing process. 10 drops a dose, thrice daily.

Hydrastis (One dose only): Cancer of the breasts before start of the ulceration. Tumor of the breasts. Nipple retracted and drawn back.

Iodium (One dose only): Dwindling mammary glands while other glands grow normally.

Kreosotum (One dose only): Dwindling mammae with small, hard, painful lumps.

Lac can. 200 (One dose daily): Breasts swollen, painful before and better on appearance of menses.

Lac can. (One dose only), Calcarea carb. (One dose only): Breasts become tender and painful before menses.

Lacticum acidum (One dose only): General trouble of the breasts like pain, enlargement, etc.

Lycopodium 1M (One dose only) Repeat once a week: Breasts do not develop in young girls when they suffer from amenorrhea. This remedy cures amenorrhea and causes the breasts to develop.

Nux mosch. (One dose only): Breasts once rounded and beautiful become flat and out of shape. Breasts too small. Mammae develop too slowly. All this is cured by the use of this remedy.

Onosmodium 10M-CM (One dose only) Repeat after 15 days: Breasts undeveloped with infantile uterus and ovaries. Aching of breasts and itching of nipples. Use one dose every 15 days to restore the normal size or for appearance of the breasts.

Phytolacca dec. (One dose only): Swollen breasts neither heal nor suppurate, hard and very sensitive. Tumor or cancer of breasts. Breasts become irritable before and during menses.

Pinus lamb. 3x (One dose only): Defective development of the breasts at puberty.

Plumbum iod. (One dose only): Induration of the mammary glands, especially when the tendency to become inflamed appears and the breasts become sore and painful.

Ranunculus bulb. (One dose only): Pains like pleurodynia in the chest.

Raphanus (One dose only): Pain between the breasts and below the breasts.

Sabal ser. (One dose only): Undeveloped breasts or shrunken breasts due to the diseases of the uterus. Breasts undeveloped and shrivelled with infantile uterus and ovaries. Debility, both physical and sexual.

Sabina (One dose only): One breast smaller than the other.

Sarsaparilla Q (Twice a day) 2-5 drops in ½ cup of water: Nipples are short and flat, and instead of a projection, a depression exists. 2 drops in water twice daily.

Scirrhinum 1000 (One dose only): This cancer nosode may be used once only at the commencement of the treatment for cancer.

Scrophularia nodosa Q (One dose only) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: Ten drops in a little water taken three times a day causes disappearance of breast tumors and nodosities in about two months.

Silicea (One dose only): Hardness of the left breast. Sinuses of the breasts. Patient is always chilly.

Tarentula cub. (One dose only): Cancer of the breasts specially in old age.

Thyroidinum 2x (One dose only): Fibroid tumors of the breasts.

Tuberculinum 1000 (One dose only) Repeat after a month: Benign tumor of the breasts. Menses are too early and too profuse.

NOTE 1: Breast tumors are somewhat linked to ovarian troubles in many cases. Therefore, treatment of the ovary and menses leads to the cure of breast cancer.

NOTE 2: Cancer of the breast can have all the features which are characteristic of cancers in general. The tumor usually arises from the cells of milk sacs or milk ducts, although malignant tumors occasionally arise from the supporting structure. It is rare in women under 30 years of age and become more common after the age of 50.

NOTE 3: Causes of breast cancer are not yet fully known.

NOTE 4: Breast cancer can be detected by a test called mammography. It is a special X – ray of the breast using a very small amount of radiation. If there is a suspicion, a surgical biopsy can establish it accurately.

NOTE 5: The most common surgical procedures are:

  1. Lumpectomy with axillary node dissection. This involves removal of the tumor with a bit of adjacent normal breast plus the lymph glands of the armpits.
  2. Modified radical mastectomy is removal of the entire breast and tissue of the armpit.
  3. Radiation of the breast is used with lupectory with the aim of destroying the cancer cells.
  4. Chemotherapy is used after to complement the surgery or radiation. Most chemotherapy treatment does not require hospitalization and can be carried out in a clinic or a physician’s office.

NOTE 6: Men can also suffer from breast cancer, although it is rare. Any lump in the breast should be diagnosed immediately.


  1. Undeveloped or sunken breasts can be reshaped by surgery in a fairly simple procedure. In most procedures, a silicone bag is inserted behind the main chest muscle (Pectoralis major) and is filled with saline. According to the U.S Institute of Medicine (a branch of National Academy of Sciences) such a procedure can cause some problems.
  2. Plastic surgery lifts, reduces or augments the breast as desired.
  3. Breasts develop on the fatty layer in front of the chest and it consists of 15 – 20 lobes and the duct of each lobe opens separately on the nipple. At the fine end of a duct is a gland which produces milk and empties it into this duct system. It is normal for breasts to differ in size and at different stages of life. Women’s breasts are seldom exactly the same.

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