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Sunstroke Treatment And Symptoms

Reason - This disease occurs in the summer season. In summer when the sun shines sharply, hot air gets into the body very quickly. This disease occurs quickly when you work in the heat, even in extreme working fatigue, physical weakness and…

Homeopathic Treatment Of Headaches

Almost every person has a headache at some time. The headache is not a disease in itself but this pain may be symptom of various diseases. When the tip of the pain-sensitive nerves is stimulated, then the pain is generated. Stress, muscle…

Homeopathic Medicine For Piles

It is defined as a growth in the walls of the veins of anus. Veins expand around the anus and become swelled. External hemorrhoids are covered with skin of the anal.  Internal hemorrhoids are covered by mucosal membranes in deep inside…

Homeopathy For Bone Strength

In the bones breakage and rebuilding process continues like other parts of the body, but after certain age the process slows down. In women the hormone estrogen after menopause formation starts degrading. This hormone helps to keep bones…

Homeopathic Chikitsa – होमियोपैथिक चिकित्सा

आज के इस चकाचौंध भरे युग में, जबकि महंगाई चरम सीमा पर हो और बीमारियां नए-नए रूप धारण करके अनेकानेक जटिलताएं उत्पन्न कर रही हों, आम आदमी इन (बीमारियों) से छुटकारा पाने के लिए कुछ सस्ते उपाय खोजता है और मूर्ख नीम-हकीमों के चक्कर में पड़कर…

Homeopathic Remedies For Pain

Homeopathic Medicine for Chest Pain Chest pain refers to pain in the lower side of left breast, feels like needle is pinched in the ribs, stiffness, that is called desmalgia of the ribs. Due to rainy or winter season or due to swelling in…

Easy way to get rid of obesity

Obesity has become a very common problem nowadays.  Obesity is result of bad eating habits and irregular routine. If obesity is not treated at the right time it can take the major form of illness. To reduce obesity, people use home…

Home remedies for Epilepsy

Causes: Epilepsy is caused due to anxiety, grief and other mental reasons. The problem in the body after getting provoked, stops in the sources of heart and that causes the blockage in the nerves of the blood. The brain is directly affected…

Weight Loss Treatment In Homeopathy

Obesity is not only a disease but also enemy of your life. People suffering from Obesity can be easily captured by these diseases like diabetes, heart disease, stone in Gall bladder, breathing problem, joint pains specially hips, and change…


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